We all have those times when everthing is rosy, and then things seem a little bleak. Well right now and for the past few weeks, things are crazy, and not perfect for sure, but I sure seem to have rose colored glasses on right now! Heavenly Father has blessed us so much and I am so grateful for his hand in our lives, we are in our final resting place (we hope), we are starting new business adventures, we actually make money, we have two happy and healthy kids (I didn't say always well behaved, I am still working on that parenting thing), we have family and friends surrounding us, and all is well!
But most especially, I am thankful for Dallas. My husband and best friend!
Even in the last week I have realized so much more that I love about him. Here are the reasons I love Dallas:
1. He is SO busy, but when he walks in the door he always takes the time to find me, kiss, me and ask how MY day was first.
2. He is kind.
3. He finds the kids, after he has talked to me (which isn't hard as soon as they hear a door close they run to look for dad), and takes them to play so I can have me time.
4. He always likes my dinner.
5. He almost always helps do dishes.
6. After we put the kids to bed he then goes back to work, trying to get this new business up and going and stays at it until I ask him to come to bed.
7. Even being so busy he makes the time to take me on dates.
8. When we are there he opens the door for me.
9. He put his hand on the small of my back and helps me down the stairs (used to hate that when I was dating but love that Dallas takes the time to do it for me).
10. He tells me I am pretty, every day.
11. He tells me how proud he is of me and the things that I do.
12. He tells me I am a good mom.
13. I catch him smiling at me when he doesn't think I am looking.
14. He would rather be with his family then any other place or anywhere, but always with us.
15. He works harder then anyone I know.
16. He puts his mind to it and he will ALWAYS find a way to get it done, I believe in him completley.
17. He is so handy he can fix and make anything.
18. He always looks nice. Did I forget to mention...
19. I think he is stunning, yes Stunning.
20. He asks me first, my opinion when I come to him for advice (just to see where I stand) and then he changes his comment to compliment what I think.
21. He holds me everynight before we go to bed.
22. He read scriptures with me.
23. He leads our family.
24. He makes sure we attend church every Sunday.
25. He love our Savior.
26. He can talk to anybody, and mixes well with everyone!
27. He is patient when I am not.
28. He is so logical, his advice is almost always right.
29. He is generous and considerate.
30. He loves me.
And these are just a few of my favorite things!
I think that was the nicest post I have ever read. It was so sincere and beautiful! I even read it to rob and we were talking how a lot of people in the world wouldnt be able to say most of the things you love about him. I am happy you found someone that makes you so happy! Thanks for the post!
Great Post! I think you both are so lucky to have the other. Good luck with all the changes you guys are having.
I don't know Dallas but I am so glad he treats you so good! Because I think You're pretty AWESOME too!
We need to get together soon. We miss you guys!
That post made me all teary-eyed. Dallas *is* a great catch. And you are equally as wonderful!!!
I'm so glad things are working out so well for you guys.
Hey Jaymi-it has been way too long since we have chatted via blog! :) I am so glad that you guys are doing good. I love that post...it is nice to hear all the good things that are happening. Your girls are beautiful!
What a great tribute to Dallas! You just look like such a happy family and I'm so happy to hear it! Isn't is great when the Lord just completely blesses is to see how great our lives are? Love you, Jaym!
Awww how sappy, oops I mean sweet! ;) You guys are great. I want to see more of how your family pics turned out.
I sent you an email with that boutiques info. I hope I still have your right email address. Let me know if you dont get it.
That is such a cute picture of Dallas and your girls. Sounds like you have an amazing man. And thanks for reminding me of all the things I love about Alan too.
Nice post. Truthfully though, I have watched him watch not just you but your girls at our different family functions, and he just LOVES your guts! He just has this peaceful, happy, loving look when he's sitting back watching his girls!
that really was so nice.. jaymi dallas and wayne are so much alike. i wanted to write what i liked about wayne for our anniversary in september, and so many of those things that you put are the same that i would have. i'm glad you got such a good hubby because you deserve it!! that picture is awesome!! who took them?? i miss you and always love when we have a chance to catch up!
Glad we get to have you both in our family! Dallas is a great addition and we are soo glad he makes you happy! Can't wait to see ya and you are the very best sister ever! Thanks for all you do for me!!!!
Okay, that was the sweetest post. It is so nice to hear a wife write so highly of her husband. I hear so many woman put their husbands down and it so sad. I am happy that you and Dallas are so good for each other. He sounds wonderful and you deserve it!
What a lovely ode to your hubby :) And I am trying to follow - are you in Globe or Snowflake now? So confused. Regardless, you sound great, hope the rental and everything is working well. Oh, and I got your text a little while back, sorry I haven't gotten back to you, but two boutiques I really like are Petit Chateau and Stephanie's - one's on Camelback and like 30th and the other is just south of Camelback on Colter and 40th street. Good luck!
Hey Dallas,
Hope you know all that work stuff will kill ya. At least, it will make your hair go grey! I speak from experience.
HEY YOU! Do you remember me?! :) What a great blog, family, and post! I would love to catch up. Comment on mine and we can swap info!
Becca (Jordan) :)
Hey, are you guys going to be down here any time soon??? We need to get together. Also Lexi is having a birthday party on the 20th and we would love to have Sydney there! You guys have a place to stay whenever you come down!
Yeah, pictures again. It is soo good to see you guys.
Jaymi, I'm so proud of you and how much you look for the positive in your husband. He is good to you and you are good to him and you could give no greater gift than this to your children. Always be you, Jaymi......All my love, mom whiting
Hi Guys! I'm trying to help contact people in our class for the reunion. Do you have Jordan's contact info? If so, can you email me at michellehall79@yahoo.com
Hey Jaymi- I can't believe I found your blog. That is one of the sweetest things I have read. I feel truly blessed with my hubby too. Aren't they great?? Your girls are so adorable!! We really need to get together and let our kids play.
Kimberly Farr
Hey Davis Family You guys look like you are doing great. You have beautiful little girls. Hope all is well and take care
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