Okay everyone I need your help. I really want to grow my hair long because I like long hair but I am pretty sure Dallas secretly likes my hair short and I had two good friends tell me they like short hair the best too. So I am caught in a dilemma, to cut my hair or not too. Big dilemma hard to have my life I know. So can you help me out. Vote. Tell me which is better on me and don't worry either way it is still may hair short or long :) so I want the honest answers...hehee.
Sorry I don't have many pictures of me. This is all I could come up with!
I go back & forth on mine a lot too:). I'm short & long then short again. Anywho, I think yours looks cute shorter. I would say like chin/middle of your neck length. Hope my vote helps:)
Hey thanks for your comment!! It's nice to know someone thinks i'm funny!!! I like it either way. It looks good short and I like it long. I am no help! What ever you decide will be great!! I am glad you are back in action with blogging!! It totally consumes me! I have to put limits on myself. Lame, does that say anything about how non-action packed my life is!!!
I loved your stories, totally cracked me up. But of course they do, because we are the funny ones, and Jason is not! Heheh! Anyhow, I am going to say... if it is driving you nuts, cut it, otherwise, go for long and do something different. When I say long I mean like mine, about middle of the back! But, if you want it long, but it is driving you nuts, go get someone good to cut it and tell them, I want to keep the length, but want a cute cut cut into it.. then you get something new, plus you still get to try to grow it out. Also, whenever I want a new do, I look online at haircut pics to try to get an idea and then tell someone! Hope that helps! Later Skater, can't wait to see you, and why am I the last person to know Cord's papers are in?
Sheesh! You would ask the most incompetant decision maker ever! You look so darn cute either way. But I am leaning towards... short. You look more grown-up (if that's a good thing) and classy. Try an A-line with a short bang. (Like Ellen Barkin's character on Ocean's Thirteen, so CUTE!)
I think I want to say short too! But I'm a fan of short hair. I want to cute mine off again, but can't get the nerve, it was so much easier in beauty school to do it! hehe. And thanks about my header, it's real easy to do!
I would have to vote short, not many people have such a pretty face like yours and can get away with short hair. I'm so glad you found my blog too, nice to hear from you. Did we really listen to a lot of music in my trailer, I have the worst memory. How are you doing, where are you living? You look gorgeous, and your family is so cute.
I like long hair, but you look good in anything. I think I'm growing mine out too right now, we'll see how long it lasts! Can't wait to see you and your house!
Lets see I just chopped mine almost to my chin and I acutally love it and I love short haircuts on everyone else so I would have to say short--it will always grow back! You look cute in both pics though. See you soon I am sure!
definitely short, jaym! although i remember your hair long and it was gorgeous too, it just takes forever to get it that way!
sorry that last comment was me. i wasn't logged in. :)
I think I like short too. You're gorgeous either way, but I've always loved your short hair! I just cut mine a little shorter than my sisters and LOVE it. It's so much easier too. The week before I cut it I just said to myself that I was going to grow it out and what did I do?? lol
p.s. we are in litchfield park. just stop by if y'all are comin to a cardinals game or cricket pavilion!
I like both, but when its short it looks more stylish but it looks like you can still pull it back too, so I would say short, b/c you pull it off quite nicely. Well I am glad you are in your new house. Good luck getting settled that is what I am trying to do too. Have the best day!!
I know how you feel, I had to make that decision last Summmer. I cut all of my curls off and I love my short hair, especially in the hot Summers. It does feel more grown up and stylish, but sometimes I miss my long locks. You look great either way, but my official vote is short because it just feels sexier and all women need to feel sexy every once in a while.
Love it either way, but I think it is WAY cute short!! Cant wait to see you guys in a few days. Carly is missing Kenedy!!!
Oh man, not many people look that good with long hair AND short hair...so...I'm gonna sayshoulder length like the one when you are sitting at the table with the pink shirt! That looks super cute! Good luck! I hate making these decisions! hahaha!
I cried the second day too! So sad! Yeah, we're going up for the reunion. Tyson gets home tomorrow & we'll head up Thursday. You going?
Not that you even know who I am, but I am Tiffany Hunt's big sister...we were in the same ward for just a little while before we moved, but anyway, from the pictures, you look more mature with shorter hair and younger with longer hair...both are cute though too!!! plus with shorter hair you can be spunkier and do more things with it...that's my opinion!
Hey! I really like your hair short and long. I am having the same dilemma myself and am not sure what to do. You really look cute both ways. I love short hair, the styles are cuter, I think.
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