I am feeling a little guilty right now! Every time I pull up the Internet, our blogspot is our home page and the first thing I see is "I have to say I am a little frustrated at my man tonight!"
To reprimand and then redeem myself and my dear husband (obviously you should not wake me up if you are in need, want to talk, or want to stay in good graces...heheee) obviously he (or I) is not perfect, but I do LOVE him. I would like to do another little post on him.
D is for dear. Dallas is near and dear. He is our world, our life, our everything. Our day isn't whole until Dallas comes home. Sydney will be sad for half the morning if she didn't wake up to kiss him goodbye. He is fully involved in our little family and life. When he gets home he helps with the cooking and always the dishes. He take the kiddos so I can venture out and go running. He is a good dad and he is Dear to our hearts.
A is for always. He is an always in my life. He is someone I can count on, he is someone who will always choose whats right, whats best. He will stay strong. He is going to do what is best for our family he works hard (like schooling),find away to provide and he will Always love me best no matter what. Who could ask for anything more.
L is for light hearted. For makes light of "life". He can make any situation easy-going. He can make people laugh and feel at home. He is even light-hearted when I want to be serious. I am so glad he makes our home an easy place to live.
L is for lovely. You do have to admit he is quite Lovely to look at.
A is for analytical. Because of this he can do ANYTHING and the things he does always turn out amazing. Take our back yard for instance. He is not a landscaper, a builder, or cultivator by trade. But you would think so when you saw our yard. Most of the material was found in our yard and it looks like we paid millions :) heeehee for our built in grill, rock wall, landscaping and more. He is great at everything he does, thanks for being Analytical.
S is for sorry. He is almost always the first one to say sorry. This is huge for me and I am working on beating him at this but almost, without fail, if a sorry is ever needed from him or me he will say Sorry.
Dallas, you are the love of my life. I know our fates were sealed together before we ever even came to this earth. You have been my rock, and kept me strong....."Good morning beautiful....my life is wonderful with you by my side when I open my eyes and see your sweet face it's a good morning beautiful day!"