We are back but without pictures...again. I do have a few old ones I will post found our camera but then I left it in my sisters car and she took it to St. Johns with her!
I can not believe how much has happened first a quick update, then a funny story and great news. We have been doing A LOT to our house. It is finally done, with the expectation of a bathroom. I really like it, I think Dallas should be a landscaper, interior designer and all that entails. He has such a creative organized mind and things sure come to life. I will post more pictures when I get my camera.

We have really spent quite a lot of time on that. We did get a weekend off and went to the Renaissance Festival. I thought it was a lot of fun, my kids thought the animals were great and liked some of the food. I felt like it was for older kids and/or just me and Dallas. It would have been a fun date to watch the shows, etc. All in all it was a good time and we were glad to have the tikes around.

Then the next weekend was Easter and we headed up to St. Johns because Tyson was having his farewell too. It was a fun weekend. We watched Tripp and Crew while Jas and Shanda spent their fifth anniversary in Las Vegas. They both got sick, poor kiddos, I am sure they just wanted their parents but they were both so good and I was so glad all the kids got to be together. We went to the Davis wash, with both grandma's and grandpa's and it was lots of fun.

Then on to Tyson's farewell. It was one of the better farewells that I have ever been too, biased I am sure. He is so kind, sweet spirited and nice. We are sure going to miss him (he is going into the MTC TODAY) but are so excited for him. He'll be the best missionary ever and is so great with people! He has lots of special abilities.heheee.
Well of course then it was back to work, work, work. It is so fun to finally have the house all landscaped and everything done! Things are going well here. Kenady talks quite a bit now, she mimics whatever you say, mostly her vocabulary consists of I want that, I want that! and she thinks that is she screams she will be much more effective then if she just talks to us. She is really getting big. She is just at that stage where she is blooming in all areas. She loves to follow Sydney around Dallas affectionately calls her "our sheep".
Sydney had an accident last weekend! It was quite scary for me. Dallas was painting the outside of our house. Sydney was helping him with the garage door so she pulled one of her toys against the wall and stood up to hit the opener. The toy fell out from under her and she grabbed onto the box to the side of her, weights were on top of that box and both of them fell on her head. Being the good mom that I am I put my hand (lightly) over her mouth and rushed her outside....Kenady was sleeping. I was talking to her and turned my head to look at her, blood was gushing out of her head. Yikes. We ran her back into the kitchen to clean her up (I was sick that weekend) after we got the blood to slow down I got to see the wound. I put the rag back on her head told her to hold it there and ran to the bathroom, quite queasy...what a great mom, I am going to be one of those that can handle anything right! The war wound was only about an inch long but deep and open. She was petrified to go to the Doctor, out came the super glue and everything is better! She loves to show you her wound!
Well Ty we love and will miss you but we are so proud of you! You are the best! Have a great week!
I am glad to finally hear what is going on with the Davis family, sounds like you guys have been super busy!! Congrats on getting the house finished, and landscaped, maybe you should send Dallas our way b/c honestly he would have to work wonders with these base houses, with brick wall (not all but some of them, its beautiful:) CONGRATS on the new job, and also CONGRATS to your brother on going on a mission, that is awesome!! I love the White mTS area, you guys will love it there.
your house is beautiful!! it was so fun to be there. i really can talk to you about anything! i love your girls. i wish we lived closer. i hope syd's head feels better soon!
It's about DAMN time you got back on the whole blog bandwagon! We missed you.
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